
Holistic Dentistry Tijuana

What is Holistic Dentistry

Holistic Dentistry is an approach to Dentistry that promotes health and wellness instead of the treatment of disease. This approach to Dentistry encompasses both modern science, such as non-surgical treatment for a misaligned jaw, and knowledge drawn from the worlds great traditions on natural healing. It is sometimes called “Biological” dentistry or “Biocompatible” dentistry. Holistic Dentistry acknowledges and deals with the mind, body, and spirit of the patient, not just his or her “Teeth”.

Reasons to Have Holistic Dental Care in Tijuana

  1. Use of Biocompatible Dental Materials
  2. Cosmetic Bonding for Preservation of Tooth Structure
  3. Safe Removal of Metal Fillings
  4. Improve your health
  5. Contributes to a detoxification process
  6. The most important priority for a holistic or biological  dentist is your overall health, not just your dental health.

Mercury and tin are neurotoxic substances. Mercury has the ability to destroy and/or damage the transport fibers inside each nerve. It is the most toxic naturally occurring substance on earth. It is far more poisonous than lead, arsenic, and cadmium.

There is NO safe or harmless level of it!

Amalgams give you a daily dose of mercury, plutonium and radiations. Get rid of your metals and enjoy new energy in your life!

In present days, silver fillings or amalgam removal is one of the sensitive and dangerous issues in dentistry as it contains mercury. To solve this issue, Dr. Criss Meléndrez, your Holistic Dentistry in Tijuana have established a highly functional protocol.

Mercury Fillings:

Traditional Holistic dentistry espouses the longevity of mercury amalgam fillings and the fact that insurance will typically cover the cost of placement. They will also point to the ADA and FDA’s statements that the mercury in the fillings is stabilized and safe, leaking only tiny amounts of mercury. They are also typically easier for the dentist to place than composite fillings.

Holistic dentists understand that mercury is too toxic and even small amounts are too risky to the body and your overall health. While amalgam fillings last longer than composites, they put extreme pressure on the tooth and often cause weakening of the tooth.


Traditional Holistic dentistry are in favor of using fluoride in both a topical and ingested form. They argue in favor of fluoridating water supplies and recommend fluoride drops for infants. They point to research showing a decrease in cavity rates in areas where the water is fluoridated.

Holistic dentists typically argue against any form of ingested fluoride, arguing that research has linked ingested fluoride to cancer and various bone problems while other research has shown no benefit to the teeth from ingested fluoride. They also argue that too much fluoride can cause fluorosis and that fluoridating public water supplies is forced medication of the general public.

Safe mercury amalgam removal technique (SMART)

Smile Tijuana Dentist, your holistic dentist in Tijuana follows a safe amalgam removal protocol, with the help of vacuum, oxygen nasal cannula, rubber dam and aromatherapy, a special technique is applied during removal of mercury filling, which successfully diminish the possibility of poisoning. All this precautions will secure your health during removal of silver fillings.
Basic principles of holistic dentistry include  drinking enough water, eating nutrient whole foods, taking supplements, avoiding mercury fillings (amalgam), use of non toxic restorative materials  for all the dental procedures (bio-compatible materials)
Dr. Criss Meléndrez offers specialized care in all the dentistry procedures like safe mercury removal, metal free fillings, crowns, onlays, cosmetic dentistry and routine dental care.

Holistic Dentistry Tijuana, Amalgam Removal:

Dr.  Criss Meléndrez follows the Safe Removal Guidelines for Amalgam Fillings By International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology

1.- Safe mercury filling removal
2.- Dental specific protocols for nutritional support
3.- Distilled water used exclusively chair side
4.- Biocompatible dental materials
5.- Rubber dam is used to isolate teeth
6.- Eye protection for the patient

Safe Removal Guidelines for Amalgam Fillings

By International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT).

  1. Keep the fillings cool during removal Drilling out an amalgam filling generates a tremendous amount of heat, which causes a significant increase in the release of mercury, both as a vapor and in amalgam particles, during the entire removal process. Cooling the filling with water and air while drilling substantially reduces the amount of mercury vapor the filling releases.
  2. Cutting the Amalgam into Chunks This involves less drilling, the dentist only drills enough to cut the filling into chunks, which can then be easily removed by a hand instrument or suction.
  3. Use a high-volume evacuator This is one of the most important tools in minimizing the patient’s exposure to mercury vapor and amalgam particles. The high volume evacuator tip should be kept 1⁄2 inch of the filling during the entire time the filing is being removed. This helps capture more of the mercury vapor and particles.
  4. Provide the patient with an alternative source of air (oxygen) All patients having amalgam removed should be provided with an alternative air source(oxygen) and instructed to not breathe through their mouth during treatment.
  5. Use a rubber dam The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) has approved removal both with and without the use of a rubber dam.  Some evidence exist to support both views since high levels of mercury and amalgam particles can be found under the dam.  All members are agreed that whether or not a rubber dam is used the patient should not breathe through their mouth or swallow the particles.
  6. Remove gloves and clean the patient’s mouth After the fillings have been removed, the dentist and the assistant should remove and dispose of their gloves and the rubber dam, and thoroughly rinse and vacuum the patient’s entire mouth for at least 15 seconds. This will help remove amalgam particles and residual mercury vapor from the mouth. If a restorative procedure is next then reapply a new dam and proceed.
  7. Immediately clean up Immediately change patient’s protective wear and clean their face.
  8. Nutritional support. Consider appropriate nutritional support before, during and after removal.

NOTE: On top of this, Smile Tijuana will provide you with:

  • Aromatherapy during the procedure.
  • Laser cavity indicator, to verify everything is complete clean after the mercury removal.
  • Essential natural oils for rinsing after the mercury filling removal.

Why Smile Tijuana recommends removing mercury fillings?

There are many  symptoms associated with chronic mercury toxicity or  diseases related to chronic mercury poisoning, allergies or immune system dysfunction.

  • It is also recommended to remove mercury fillings if patients are suffering from neurological diseases.
  • Safe amalgam removal is indicated for Patients with Cancer, the removal of these toxic fillings give the patient’s immune system the best chance of fighting the cancer.
  • Remove amalgam  assure the structural integrity of teeth. Metal fillings cause long-term fractures of teeth, which may lead to root canal therapies and extractions.
  • Cosmetic reasons.

Mercury Amalgam (Silver) Fillings

Consists of different metals, with the largest content being mercury. The other metals present are silver, copper, tin, nickel, uranium, zinc and radiation coming from polonium.  All of these metals have various degrees of toxicity.

Mercury is roughly 45-54% of the amalgam,  contain and release as a poisonous vapor.

The World Health Organization has found the average individual can absorb as much as 120 micrograms of mercury per day from his or her amalgam fillings, a level which is considered a toxic dose.

Eighty percent of the mercury vapor released from amalgam fillings is inhaled. Once inhaled, it passes quickly through the lungs, into and then out of the blood­stream, and accumulates in every cell of the body. As it accumulates, it poisons cells and tissues, particularly the brain and nervous system.

  • Amalgam fillings continuously release poisonous mercury vapors.
  • Any form of stimulation that heats an amalgam filling will stimulate the release of mercury vapors.
  • Amalgam fillings are the single greatest source of mercury exposure.
  • Chronic mercury poisoning can directly and indirectly contribute to and increase the risk and severity of every known disease and health issue.
  • The damage done by mercury will vary from person to person. Even after you have had your poisonous amalgam fillings removed, there will still be mercury in your body and it will continue to negatively affect your health until it is removed.  If mercury is stored in your body you are suffering from chronic mercury poisoning, even if you do not yet have observable symptoms.

Mercury poisoning

  •       Chronic bronchitis and lung damage
  •       Loss of peripheral vision
  •       Kidney damage
  •       Brain damage
  •       Memory loss
  •       Metallic taste in mouth
  •       Sore gums
  •       Chronic sore throat
  •       Systemic Candidiasis
  •       Food sensitivities
  •       Multiple chemical sensitivity/environmental illness
  •       Electromagnetic sensitivity
  •       Numbness in hands and/or feet
  •       Muscle weakness
  •       Fibromyalgia
  •       Chronic fatigue
  •       Loss of hearing
  •       Ataxia
  •       Depression
  •       Mental disorders
  •       Autism

The most common symptoms caused by amalgam fillings are:

  1. Chronic neurologic illnesses, especially when numbness is one of the primary symptoms
  2. Tendency to chronic inflammatory changes, rheumatoid arthritis, phlebitis fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome
  3. Chronic fatigue​
  4. Lowering of pain threshold​