Benefits of Removing Amalgam Fillings

Are amalgam fillings safe?

Amalgam mercury fillings are distinguishable by their silver-like appearance, they were commonly used among dentists to fill cavities and affordably restore teeth to their proper shape and size.nn
In recent years, new advances in dentistry have allowed patients to receive biocompatible dental filling materials that offer an aesthetic tooth appearance without the use of harmful toxins.n

amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury and 50% other metals, such as silver, tin, and copper. Due to its high level of mercury, this type of filling can be dangerous to your health, as it has the potential to release levels of mercury in the form of a vapor that can be inhaled and absorbed by the lungs.

Mercury and tin are neurotoxic substances. Mercury has the ability to destroy and/or damage the transport fibers inside each nerve. It is the most toxic naturally occurring substance on earth. It is far more poisonous than lead, arsenic, and cadmium.

Potential Risks of Mercury

Mercury is a chemical element present in water sources, in the air and in many of the foods we eat (especially seafood). Too much contact with this metal may be harmful to your health and lead to symptoms such as: anxiety, bad temper, memory loss, headaches, and weakness.

How to Safely Remove Amalgam Fillings

International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) has developed the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART).

  1. Keep the fillings cool during removalDrilling out an amalgam filling generates a tremendous amount of heat, which causes a significant increase in the release of mercury, both as a vapor and in amalgam particles, during the entire removal process. Cooling the filling with water and air while drilling substantially reduces the amount of mercury vapor the filling releases.
  2. Cutting the Amalgam into ChunksThis involves less drilling, the dentist only drills enough to cut the filling into chunks, which can then be easily removed by a hand instrument or suction.
  3. Use a high-volume evacuatorThis is one of the most important tools in minimizing the patient's exposure to mercury vapor and amalgam particles. The high-volume evacuator tip should be kept inch of the filling during the entire time the filing is being removed. This helps capture more of the mercury vapor and particles.
  4. Provide the patient with an alternative source of air (oxygen)All patients having amalgam removed should be provided with an alternative air source(oxygen) and instructed to not breathe through their mouth during treatment.
  5. Use a rubber damThe International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) has approved removal both with and without the use of a rubber dam. Some evidence exists to support both views since high levels of mercury and amalgam particles can be found under the dam. All members are agreed that whether or not a rubber dam is used the patient should not breathe through their mouth or swallow the particles.

6. Remove gloves and clean the patients mouth After the fillings have been removed, the dentist and the assistant should remove and dispose of their gloves and the rubber dam, and thoroughly rinse and vacuum the patients entire mouth for at least 15 seconds. This will help remove amalgam particles and residual mercury vapor from the mouth. If a restorative procedure is next, then reapply a new dam and proceed.

7. Immediately clean upImmediately change patients protective wear and clean their face.

8. Nutritional support.Consider appropriate nutritional support before, during and after removal.

benefits of removing amalgam fillings

There are many symptoms associated with chronic mercury toxicity or diseases related to chronic mercury poisoning, allergies or immune system dysfunction.

  • Protecting your mouth and body from harmful chemicals
  • It is also recommended to remove mercury fillings if patients are suffering from neurological diseases.
  • Safe amalgam removal is indicated for Patients with Cancer, the removal of these toxic fillings gives the patients immune system the best chance of fighting the cancer.
  • Remove amalgam assure the structural integrity of teeth. Metal fillings cause long-term fractures of teeth, which may lead to root canal therapies and extractions.
  • Replacing silver fillings by natural looking composites that offer a more pleasing aesthetic
  • Research studies have also shown that mercury levels in our blood and urine decrease after a mercury filling removal


If your metal fillings are worn, cracked, or if there is severe decay beneath the metal filling, then you should definitely get them removed. If your old fillings are fine, but you want to avoid the effects of mercury on your health, then you should get mercury filling removal and get a beautiful and biocompatible new filling.


  1. Drink lots of water daily (12 or more glasses) so as to help cleanse the kidneys and the colon of accumulated mercury and other toxins.
  2. Every morning when you wake up drinka cup ofwater mixed with the juice from half a lemon. EVERYDAY
  3. Avoid flours, sugar, soda, juice, oatmeal, meats and fast food.
    - Every 3rd day you can drink u00bd cup of water with a teaspoon of baking soda
  4. Take supplements, Vitamin supplements are beneficial: B6, B3 and B12 as well, vitamins E and C, Vitamin D 2000 units per day, alpha lipoic acid and chlorella.
  5. Take a hot bath or sauna daily, if you can bear the effects.
  6. No alcohol should be taken since alcohol places a burden on the liver which needs to function for cleansing.